Zayzoo's Bizzare Adventure: Page 8
I've been a bit busy with another big project I've started working on,
but I'm gonna go ahead and share another page of the development of ZBA.
So first of all, I'm coding a new map editor that's actually going to be in
the code of Zayzoo's Bizzare Adventure itself.
Before, since DME was a seperate application,
I had to manually take the map file it exported and copy it to ZBA's files,
which was a little more cumbersome than you'd think.
And before you ask, no, I wasn't able to code it to just
copy the map files directly to the ZBA "datafiles" folder,
and that's because GameMaker Studio 1.4.9999 is sandboxed (and so is GMS2, actually)
so it can only write to a certain directory in the user's AppData folder and nowhere else.
There's another directory that contains all the files to be packaged with the game,
but GameMaker Studio can't write to that one, only read from it.
Sadly this won't fix the problem of having to painstakingly navigate to a folder in AppData
and copy the map file that's located there to the game's included files,
but there are some other advantages to this. One of them being that you can now just spawn
in a player object and test the map with the push of a single key.
And no, I didn't want to take on the task of copying Zayzoo's code to DME.
Doing that would mean I'd need to copy the code to DME's version of the player object
everytime I made a change to Zayzoo's code in the ZBA project file.
There are some debug hotkeys, accessible by holding Ctrl and pressing a number.
One of those is how you access the new map editor, just type in the name of a map,
hit enter, and that should load up the map editor. It even has a function where if you
type in the name of a map that already exists, it'll copy everything in that map's directory
to the AppData folder where it can write new files to and start the map editor with the
existing map already pre-loaded.
...Ok, just realized this page was just bragging on about a single new feature added.
Nevertheless, it's a pretty big addition in terms of code and stuff.
Stay tuned for more updates and reports on how ZBA's development is coming along.
Page 7
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